What to pack in your Hospital Bag for Birth - Korin Nolan

What to pack in your Hospital Bag for Birth - Korin Nolan

We are delighted to announce that our fitness pro Korin Nolan has now had a beautiful baby boy Jack James Berry. Korin will now be sharing her experience with all of you as we follow her journey from having a newborn, to eventually beginning the fitness journey again. Each month we will pick up Korin’s adventure as she goes through the very same process as every other new mother out there. For this first month, Korin shares the essentials she packed in her changing bag…

Ok, it may sound like a straight forward topic, but believe me, once you start doing a bit of research, you’ll find that it’s an absolute minefield!

This is actually my third baby, so you’d think I’d have it sussed by now wouldn’t you? But there’s definitely a few things I missed out last time that I could have probably done with.

We asked our followers on @stronglikemumuk what their top items were, so we got a little help in our preparation – so a big thank you to all of our followers!

As I say at the beginning of the video, when I first thought about planning my hospital bag, I wanted to be as minimalist as possible, but I actually found that was pretty impossible! In fact, I’ve definitely packed more for this labour than my last.

So, if you’re struggling to know what to pack, then check out my video here!



As also mentioned within my video, here is the link to the birth preparation and Labour exercises you can practice.



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