In celebration of National Twin Day, we wanted to hear from our iCandy twin parents. We reached out to our iCandy twin families on Instagram to find out about life with two babies and the twin products they just can’t live without…
What are your top tips for expectant twin parents?
Get iCandy and enjoy. It's the best thing ever! @kelskriv1
Enjoy it! Its' not really as difficult as everyone tells you it will be! @robynbradney
Miss my iCandy Orange, our boys are nearly 3! @dramsayramsay
Buy dry shampoo haha! @dramsayramsay
Accept all the help. @hannahthetwin
Would love to know this, my twins are due in January. @katie_troake
What is the one item you can't live without being a parent to twins?
My iCandy pram. Absolutely love it. @kelskriv1
iCandy Orange! @robynbradney
A twin feeding pillow & iCandy Peach Twin! @laurabeechers
Mamaroo was a life saver, and isofix. @dramsayramsay
I have an iCandy but I can't get by without my Twingo sling. @hannahthetwin
What is your favourite iCandy twin pushchair configuration?
One parent facing, one world facing. 2 babies with 2 different personalities! @robynbradney
Both car seats facing. @dramsayramsay
Loved it when both lied in carrycots. I have Peach with both seats facing me so I can see them both. @hannahthetwin
What is your top tip for life with twins?
Ignore the double trouble comments. @kelskriv1
Life is so busy but try to soak it all in as time will fly. @robynbradney
Ask for help from others. @dramsayramsay
I'm a twin, with twins. I asked my mum, she said 'just get on with it'. It's true! @hannahthetwin
What is your favourite thing about being a parent to twins?
Have double to love and watch grow. @kelskriv1
The love they have for each other. @robynbradney
Their love for each other. @dramsayramsay
Even in London, everyone speaks to you. Everyone loves the twins (or feel sorry for you haha). @hannahthetwin