iCandy-Buying-a-pushchair- What-you-need-to-know

Buying a pushchair: What you need to know

Choosing the Perfect Pram, Pushchair or Stroller


Selecting the right pram, pushchair, or stroller for your child can be a daunting task, given the range of options available on the market. We have identified three factors that can simplify this decision-making process and ensure you find the perfect fit for your little one. In this guide, we'll explore these key considerations that will help you make an informed choice while keeping your child's comfort, your lifestyle and budget in mind.


Your Child's Needs:


Caring for your newborn's well-being is of utmost importance, and choosing a pram that caters to their needs is essential. For infants, opt for a pushchair with a seat unit that reclines fully, such as the iCandy Core, or a carrycot that fits onto the pram chassis. It's vital for newborns to lie flat until they can support their head and sit up independently, as this supports their spinal and lung development.


Another point to consider is a pushchair that allows your baby to face you, promoting bonding, social interaction, and emotional development. Most prams and pushchairs come with reversible seats, offering the flexibility to have your child world-facing or parent-facing. Look for comfort features like well-padded seating, adjustable seat angles, footmuffs for cosiness, and rain covers to ensure your baby's contentment during your outings.


Fitting in with Your Lifestyle:


Adapting your pram choice to your lifestyle is essential for ensuring convenience and ease of use. If you frequently use public transport or travel in a car, look for a lightweight, compact buggy with an easy-to-use folding mechanism. A spacious shopping basket beneath the seat is a valuable feature for shopaholics who want to carry their purchases with ease. All iCandy pushchairs boast generous-sized shopping baskets with built in drainage vents.


Manoeuvrability and pushability are crucial for a smooth ride, especially on uneven terrains. The iCandy Core boasts the ingenious Multi-Mode Wheelbase; interchangeable and removable wheels which enable the pushchair to be used on all terrains. The ‘Rural’ set comprises a longer, more substantial wheelbase, offering the functionality and performance of a larger pushchair, whilst the ‘Urban’ set is a shorter and lighter wheelbase, creating a lightweight, compact city stroller.


Think about whether the pram's size is suitable for your home, enabling easy navigation in hallways and through doorways. If you plan to store the pushchair in your car's boot, be sure to check its size to ensure a perfect fit.


Your Budget:


Your budget will naturally influence your choice of pram or stroller. If you intend to have more children investing in a travel system that includes the option to upgrade to a double stroller such as the iCandy Orange might be the ideal solution. All iCandy pushchairs have a market-leading 5-year warranty, meaning they are built to last as your family grows.


However, if budget constraints are a concern, don't worry. Make a list of your essential requirements and stick to it while exploring affordable options that meet your needs.




Choosing the perfect pram, pushchair, or stroller requires thoughtful consideration of your child's needs, your lifestyle, and your budget. Prioritise your baby's comfort and well-being, ensure that the chosen model aligns with your daily routine, and explore various options within your price range. By keeping these three essential factors in mind, you'll be well-equipped to find the ideal companion for your parenting journey, providing your little one with comfort and safety on every adventure.


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