Managing Your Little Oneโ€™s Sleep On Holiday

Managing Your Little Oneโ€™s Sleep On Holiday

Written by iCandy Guest Blogger and Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant, Charlotte Hillyard.     


Hooray, it’s finally the summer holidays and whilst you may be looking forward to a change of scenery, the thought of managing your little one’s sleep on holiday may feel a little overwhelming, especially if you are going abroad. Flights, different time zones and being away from your child’s usual sleep environment can often leave you wondering how you will manage it all (and still have fun).  


Here are some tips to help you minimise sleep disruption whilst you are away. 


Pack Sleep Essentials 


A new sleep environment can cause your little one to feel slightly anxious when it comes to bedtime, and that’s okay! New noises, a different carrycot/cot/bed, all of these are unfamiliar. To ease this, try and pack their sleep essentials that they use at home, such as their favourite teddy/comforter, favourite book, sleeping bag etc. It may seem a lot, however, sleep associations such as these can really provide your little one with comfort, thus leading them to drift off a little more smoothly. 


Take Your Time 


It can be very exciting for toddlers and young children on holiday to be staying in a different place. This excitement can lead to it taking longer for them to wind down and could also lead to them delaying their bedtime a little. When you arrive, try and take some time to get them acclimatised to their new room/sleeping space. For babies, try a little bit of cot and room play with them. For older children, try some room and role play. Ensure you show them where you’ll be sleeping so if they feel upset in the night, they know where to find you. 


Bedtime Routine 


Bedtime routines can often feel a little rushed on holiday or perhaps it even goes out of the window completely. Later than usual nights and eating out can often leave little time for a wind down, which is important to prepare your little one for sleep. Of course, it may not be possible to stick to the same times of bedtime whilst you are away, however try and follow their bedtime routine each night to help them feel that familiarity that it’s bedtime. 


Plan Ahead 


If you have a long journey ahead of you, plan to fit in a nap or two en route. This may not always be possible, however if you can stick close to their usual nap routine, it will help ease any overtiredness thus leading to a smoother bedtime. 


White Noise 


Staying in a hotel or an apartment with other family members can be quite noisy, especially for little ones trying to sleep. Ensure you take your white noise machine with you so you can pop this on to help cancel out any background noise. 


Striking a balance is key. Overtired little ones generally aren’t much fun, especially on holiday, so try to fit in some early nights to balance out the later ones if you can. But ultimately, don’t forget to enjoy yourself – you can always get back on track with their sleep when you get home.  

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